Ольга Воронська
Дипломированный психолог (диплом специалиста получила в Киеве, а магистра в Вене), психотерапевт-интерн Украинского института когнитивно-поведенческой терапии. Кроме того окончила начальную ступень образовательной программы Киевского Института Гештальта и Психодрамы, а также первую степень эмотивно-фокусированной терапии пар. Профессиональный jgsn получала на отделении реабилитации специализированной больницы им. И. Бабинского в Кракове, общеобразовательной и младшей школах в Киеве.
Также Ольга проводит тренинги на тему развития стрессоустойчивости, профилактики депрессии и профессионального выгорания.
Ольга проводит индивидуальную терапию со взрослыми, Применяя когнитивно-поведенческий подход, интегрируя практики майдфулнесс и селф-компешн, мотивационного диалога, а также – схема-терапии. Ольга постоянно повышает свою квалификацию и работает под супервизией.
На своих консультациях Ольга находит индивидуальный подход к каждому пациенту, умело сочетает креативность и рекомендации метода КПТ, так, чтобы найти вместе с клиентом оптимальное решение его запроса.
В личной жизни активно путешествует, читает, занимается танцами, спортом и посещает различные культурные мероприятия.
Individual psychotherapy
Individual psychotherapy is a professional form of help addressed to people struggling with mental difficulties or seeking support in their self development. In the treatment of mental disorders (e.g. depression, neuroses, eating disorders and others), it allows you to improve everyday functioning, and in the case of particularly severe symptoms, in combination with pharmacotherapy, it supports the recovery process and improves the quality of life. Individual psychotherapy is helpful in dealing with emotional and social difficulties, e.g. in situations of mental crisis, stress, mourning, conflicts in the family, problems in the work environment, experiencing multiple failures, a sense of helplessness, meaninglessness of life or low self-esteem. Individual psychotherapy is also implemented as support in the treatment of somatic diseases, since psychological factors play an important role in the occurence of such conditions. It helps in regaining mental and physical balance.
Individual psychotherapy is also addressed to people who want to develop. It creates a space where a person can experience their freedom, become aware of their personal resources and use them in a new, more constructive way. It is a way to become a more integral, independent unit that fully realizes its potential.
In the course of the therapeutic process it is important to build a special relationship between the psychotherapist and the patient. This relationship is based on trust, respect, mutual acceptance, openness and confidentiality. The psychotherapist, with his/her knowledge and experience, and using particular therapeutic techniques, accompanies the patient in the search for harmony in life.
Individual psychotherapy is a series of systematic meetings between the patient and a specific therapist, held at the same time, usually once a week (up to 2 sessions a week), lasting 50 minutes. During these meetings, problems that are the source of mental discomfort, as well as all important threads from the patient’s life, are discussed. The first few meetings take the form of consultations, during which the area of difficulties reported by the patient is defined and the plan and goals of therapy (therapeutic contract) are determined.
Psychiatrist consultations
Pharmacological treatment is directed to people experiencing distress caused by various psychiatric symptoms. Pharmacological agents affect the functioning of specific receptor systems, significantly changing the mental state. It is a form of treating mental illnesses which gives the opportunity to reduce suffering or is carried out periodically as support in difficult life situations. Used parallelly with psychotherapy, it is the most effective method of treating mental illnesses.
A meeting with a psychiatrist includes a medical examination, a thorough interview, diagnosis, selection of drugs, support and advice in the event of further proceedings. If necessary, the psychiatrist also refers to psychotherapy as a comprehensive and most effective treatment program. These meetings are held according to the needs and indications for medical assistance.
Treatment range: